Thursday, February 18, 2021

Why Videos?


Giotto's "Flight"

What’s this point of creating these videos?

What videos?

I’ve been sending a daily “video” to the whole list of about 50+ folks who have signed up for notifications from the parish. Currently, I’m simply recording a <10-minute catechetical talk on a topic (we’re now doing the Catechism during Lent). The visual element of the video is minimal—just a still shot of Giotto’s “Flight into Egypt.” So, mainly, it’s an audio-recording of yours truly presenting the catechesis.  That’s the video, so far, in a nutshell. I had prior to Lent done a few commentaries on the daily readings and a saint or two; but we’re settled, now, thematically on the catechism.

Why “videos?”

The purpose is several-fold: it’s at lest creative, technical, methodological and evangelical/apologetical—for starters.

Creative: As much as I love “public speaking” but the occasions when I’ve got an audience seem so relatively seldom. I want to improve my ability to communicate via the spoken word in a way which is commensurate with the nobility of the truth. Insofar as Sacred Preaching is an art, it is a Sacred Art. And this artist want to improve in his skills.

Technical: This is some sort of foray into the new-media. The technical savvy required can’t be so hard to acquire. Millions of folks know how to post videos.

More later…