Thursday, July 27, 2017

From afar

My 2-weeks vacation ends tomorrow. I've kept up the canonical hours. Matins, however, has not been so early and Lauds and Vespers have been from the new breviary. But it's all still been a success. 

Some resolutions from these last weeks have been: prefer study; finer sanctuary details; abhor weaponizing the old mass; eschew tradi-blogs; promote both priestly and lay secularity

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Still at it

Correggio, "Martyrdom of Four Saints"
Today up at 4:45 AM.

Goal is begin 30 mins of mental prayer by nlt 6:30 AM after having completed matins and Lauds.  I'll give myself an hour for m/l.  So, I'll post this, jump in the shower, then get to the church to start to pray.  This takes care of a 7:00 AM start time for prime.  Fine.  It doesn't take care of a 6:00 AM start time for Lauds.  But I can work on that later.