Saturday, February 20, 2021



Further chipping away at “Why these videos”

The evangelical/apologetical may seem obvious enough. There is always a need for the faith to be explained in understandable terms in the current day.  In this regard, that is, since it’s worth doing—it’s worth doing badly.

Regarding the targeting particular individuals or certain groups or demographics of individuals, I suspect that may come somewhat further down the line.  I’d love to reach the men who are the heads of households. These are the guys who’s influence in the community carries the most sway. To fortify their faith and to enkindle their piety, this would bode well for the stability of the Christian people in this place.

All the while, I expect to be honing the craft. The delivery, the production, the various aspects of oral, auditory communication, each of these need identifying and improving.  It’s a chance to develop a style.

Tease this “style” theme out some more.

Can sacred preaching be reduced to the elements of style? Would Strunk & White have been a modern day Peter & Paul, if only they had devoted themselves directly and immediately to the Gospel?

Stealing the word “integralism” properly or improperly for a moment, the idea that sacred preaching has aspects I find problematic. It constantly begs the complicated questions which aspect do I present to whom and at which times and according to which modes? Establishing ahead of time, every time, what the right permutation is for any congregation or assembly seems too improbable, like trying to thread too many needles.  Rather, the apostolic encouragements have to come into play, here.

“I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2).


I understand Paul’s decision as a personal orientation, a radical alignment of his entire integrity for the sake of his salvation and that of those to whom he was sent. This is the integralism I’m talking about. If it’s a rhetorical device is only rhetorical after first already being ontological, teleological, ethical and even pathological. The rhetoric has to be the lagging indicator of a process preceded by all of the aspects of personal conversion and the pursuit of holiness.