Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Fraternal Charity


Duccio, Peter

The Bonds of Fraternal Charity.

Jesus admonishes Peter to strengthen his brothers. Like a fortified city. Like oil on the beard of Aaron, dripping onto his vestment—I’m not sure what that has to do with fraternity. Anyhow.

How to confirm a brother. Prayer, sacrifice, action. Prayer in the Mass, for them. For me, at the silence before the collect and at the commemoration. Also, with the many aspirations throughout the day. Sacrifice, bearing the hardships of the day, patiently. The physical hardships which abound, fatigue, pain, etc. But also the temptations, resisting or flying from them with courage for the sake of the brothers who are suffering similarly. Action, correspond. Call. Visit. Share a meal.  Converse. Spend time. Be instant in getting together—not neglecting your official, ministerial work but as a choicest part of it. These expressions are borne most closely and directly from out of the bowels of charity. A more developed, organized or structured expression would be to arrange a thematic excursion, or even professional forum. These aren’t out of reach and can be done “low key” or highly produced, depending on how into it you want to get.

Fraternal charity is an interior disposition which must at the same time not remain invisible.  Rather embrace the tension between doing deeds in secret and letting the light shine. This requires constant rectification of intention.