Friday, February 12, 2021

Rehearsal prep


Antonio van de Pere
Aanbidding van de herders


This post is later in the 6:00 hour. The main reason is that I spent this first part of this hour preparing for a brief music rehearsal. I formatted three chants for my brand new choir. The formatting takes time. So much time that I cannot fit it in at the same hour that I would rather be writing these posts. That’s fine.

Today is the first rehearsal for my new choir of young people. The choir consists of three children, their mom and the director—me. W’re rehearsing after the morning Mass.  We’re singing the incipit, the Marian antiphon, and the hymn for the little hour.

I’ve prepared the song sheet’s for them to use. I formatted it for a booklet. I wonder if it would be better to format it for a larger sheet, so that the three of them could all be singing from the same page together.

It snowed this morning—there’s the chance that cancels rehearsal, but we’ll see.

The website that formats the text for the chant now runs slow.  I’m wondering if I need to learn how to format it locally on this computer in order to save time. Otherwise Il’l have to budget a lot more time for preparing texts.