Friday, February 26, 2021

Strunk & White of MBS Custody


Fra Angelico, OP

I’ve been leaning towards writing a book—more of a pamphlet—on the aspects of the custody of the MBS that pertain especially to the Parish priest.

My main sources would be firstly Nullo, the GIRM, the ’83 Code, the post-conciliar Eucharistic docs, other magisterial decrees.

The purpose would be a one-stop shopping field manual to guide the practice of right custody.  Let’s develop this purpose more. I’m not sure the vision of a field guide works, since the info in it could be easily committed to memory.  So, perhaps it’s more of an introduction or a starter guide. What I like about this approach is that it more easily presupposes a reader in search of the basics and open to the authority of the sources cited.

Let’s see how it sounds.  An introduction to the custody of the MBS for the parish priest.  I like it more.  It doesn’t imply sophisticated or highly speculative theological insight. Rather, it’s like the 10 steps book.  Strunk and White of MBS custody. The elements of reserving the MBS.  We’re onto something. It’s taken long enough. Guard against the temptation and seduction of sounding wise or holy or pious or theologically impressive. Aim, instead, for clear, basic elements of MBS custody.

Not bad.