Monday, February 01, 2021

Tammy Peterson, The Rosary, St. Josemaría


Tammy praying the Rosary

Jordan Peterson posted a video recording of a conversation that his wife, Tammy had with a small group of women recently. The conversation, which happened, it looks like, in someone’s living room consisted of Tammy responding to several questions about her recovery from her recent illness. Tammy keyed in rather directly on how, with the help of one of the women there, she prayed the Rosary and how considering the mysteries of the Rosary was a source of comfort and consolation for her.  She also described praying a novena for healing to Saint Josemaría Escrivá which, as it happened on Day 7, accomplished its desired effect.

A few thoughts, by way of reaction.

Wonderful!  What a simple yet powerful personal witness to the good ol’ fashioned power of prayer.  “Ask and you shall receive.”  It also fire up faith and hope in the Communion of Saints—which is an essential article of the Creed.  Our Lady and Saint Josemaría teaming up to come through for this woman—a wife, a mom, a grandmother—facing a deadly illness.

Insightful. Tammy reveals her thought processing in the face of the difficult news of her diagnosis. Her first reaction to “You’ve got 11 months to live” was far less hardly to be very troubled by it.  But then she saw how the news affected her family.  It was for their sake that she chose to do everything she could.

The Apostolate of a member of Opus Dei? This observation is a conjecture. A hallmark of the personal apostolate of friendship in the Work is “doing and disappearing.” The ordinary circumstances of everyday life are wonderful enough occasions to magnify the glory of God. There’s no need to draw anyone’s attention away from God or from his Glory towards my measly fingerprints.  Still—I wouldn’t be shocked if Queenie, the woman who visited Tammy everyday and prayed the Rosary with her is a member of the Work.  Or if the recording took place at a get-together in a center or a residence of members of the work.  There are a few more clues—again this is just conjecture (the YouTube channel includes a video about UNIV, the recommendation of the St. Josemaría, who is Fr. Eric?).

Pray for the Petersons. They’ve obviously been through a heck of couple of years, from the skyrocketing popularity of Jordan, to both him and Tammy nearly dying of illness. God wants to accomplish a wonderful thing through the two of them—sounds like it has already begun. It’d be wonderful to see it continue to happen, especially in view of the public nature of Jordan’s work.  May St. Josemaría continue to intercede for them and Our Lady, Health of the Sick, watch over them.

Ask and you shall receive.