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Cimabue, "Christ's Flagellation" |
Next the SRC affirms the zeal and industry of the Bishops to advance the same purpose of rooting out and guarding against any abuses which may require additional regulations better suited to particular circumstances.
SRC, with its final word before adding concluding quotation from the Ritual on the Eucharist, begs the bishops “leave nothing undone”—again restating the purpose of the instruction, even more succinctly—“to safeguard the Most Holy Eucharist from the impious attempts of wicked men.”
Its final quotation is from the beginning of the Ritual’s Fourth chapter, and recalls the how the Church has nothing more supremely holy, worthy and wonderful than the MBS, as this mystery contains Christ himself.
The Instruction appends the dates of the document’s approval and ratification and, lastly, it’s own date, the Feast of the Ascension, May 26, 1938.
That’s it for a once-over summary of Nullo, line-by-line. Now, a review of this summary would bring out more prominently the themes and purposes of the instruction. For instance, I can already tell, as a consequence of this review that the purpose ends up being very specific: safeguard the MBS from harm. This theme I will emphasize and for it’s sake distinguish it from other related themes such as: reservation, veneration, church arrangement, administration of Holy Communion.
This is to punctuate particularly the extreme wickedness of the offenses in order, by contrast, to emphasize the gravity of the priest’s responsibility. I’ll need also, to observe no exaggeration for the same reason. Inasmuch as excessive preoccupation detracts from real Eucharistic piety, it too is to be avoided. Rather, I’ll strive for the mean, the goal “to Safeguard the MBS.” Yes, safeguarding does take place within a constellation of dispositions which we are to have towards the MBS, as those just mentioned above. But I’ll emphasize what makes right-custody unique and essential among those dispositions.