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Giotto, "Pentecost" |
This third section concludes by appealing to the prudent “discretion of the bishops” in difficult cases. They are to decide what are the more suitable places for reserving the MBS when its observance the prescriptions becomes difficult. They are also to see to that the abuses which can creep in are “done away with.”
This ’29 SRC Instruction indicates the the date of the plenary session wherein it decided, in summary, on the following nine prescriptions:
- The Ordinaries are enjoined by the present instruction to safeguard the MBS from the danger of nullity and every occasion of irreverence.
- Ordinaries are to see to it that the preparation matter used for the MBS can be entrusted to persons above suspicion.
- Rectors (i.e. parish priests) are to take care lest the matter of the hosts prepared for the MBS have adhering to them tiny particles that could be easily lost.
- Rectors should provide for the freshness of the consecrated hosts with the utmost vigilance protecting the tabernacle from dampness or from extreme cold.
- It recommends the use of a silver or gilded paten under the chins of the faithful at Holy Communion.
- The faithful are to be carefully instructed in how to use the paten.
- Fragments of the host are to be carefully kept and brushed into the chalice or ciborium.
- Ordinaries are to see that altars are kept “scrupulously clean,” and these prescriptions bind their consciences as “a grave burden.”
- Regarding the last three days of Holy Week, the observation of the Rubrics and of SRC’s decrees are to observed bearing in mind to prohibitions against public veneration of the MBS during these days, the tribute of due honor in the place where the MBS is kept notwithstanding.
SRC gave Ordinaries one year to report back on the implementation of the Instruction, how they have pursued its prescriptions and corrected confirmed abuses.
SRC’s plenary session of 23 March, 1929 and Pius XI confirmed the Instruction two days later on 25 March, 1929.