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Giotto, "The Dream of Innocent III" |
Let’s look at RS. It’s got plenty of references to the Conciliar instructions, whereas our review of ’29 and ’38 have given us a good sense for the mind of the Church within a few decades prior to the liturgical reforms following 2Vat.
RS, structurally has eight chapters plus a preamble and a conclusion. The Instruction is entitled “On certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist.” It was mandated by JPII and prepared by CDW in collaboration with CDF. It is intended to be read in continuity with JPII’s letter “Ecclesia de Eucharistia” (which we may need to review for our purposes).
This instruction intends a three-fold purpose: 1) to assure the deeper appreciation certain liturgical norms that remain in force; 2) to establish norms clarifying and complementing certain earlier norms; 3) to propose how these norms are to be carried out by the faithful whatever be their state in life.
“It is not possible to be silent about abuses.” After declaring its overall triple purpose RS next addresses the inadequacy of a certain disposition towards the Liturgy, Sacraments, tradition and authority of the Church. It acknowledges that abuses frequently plague liturgical celebration. The perpetration of abuses, in some places, has become “almost habitual.” Such perpetration, RS says, “cannot be allowed and must cease.”
Image: Giotto, "The Dream of Innocent III"