Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The saga continues

It's too soon, yet, to clue a good friend in on this resolution, the canonical hours.  I'm still gaining confidence there, I suppose.  And that's not at all due to any deficiency about the matter of the resolution itself, rather more of my own commitment to follow through.  Still, when I intimated the slightest hint of it to him, his response was positive, "I need to do that."  So the sooner I get a firm handle on it, the better to spread the good news about it.

Gozzoli, "Salome"
I think there could be something within the resolution itself that can help with the reform of the clergy, broadly speaking.  More on that later.

I begin now to appreciate more deeply the maxim "Take care of order and order will take care of you." As I progress slowly, already some vistas open which I had only before hoped would be there.  One of which is the emergence of the greater practical necessity of hiring a part time cook.  No eye-rolls, please.  This is because punctuality is paying off.  If I hire a cook, I can tell her/him I need the meal at this precise time overtime.  Breakfast should be ready to go at 9:00 AM; Supper should be served at, say, 5:15 PM.  But because I know what time I'm going to be here, ready to sup or to break the fast, then I can hire someone, and budget what they might cost.  An hour's work in the morning plus an hour for two in the evening.  That's 3 hours a day for how many days?  Monday evening (2), Tuesday (3), Wednesday morning (1), Thursday evening (2), Friday (3), Saturday (3), Sunday (3).  That's 17 hours at $15 dollars an hour is $255/week.  Or $12K-13K/year. Part-time. Plus the cost of food.

Also, in case you're wondering if yesterday I wrote any thank you notes—even a single one—the answer is yes.

And lastly, if you're also wondering whether the time indicated below corresponds to the time I closed my laptop, got up out of my seat and left to open the Church (or hop in the shower—if it's a Saturday) the answer is yes.