Monday, January 02, 2017

New Years Resolution: The Canonical Hours

Here we go.  We're gonna try it for a week starting tomorrow (Jan 3).  That means I'll post here on Jan 11 and let you know how this went.

5:00 AM: Matins
6:00 AM: Lauds
6:30 AM: Half-Hour Meditation
7:00 AM: Prime
7:15 AM: (Begin One-hour Eucharistic Fast)
7:25 AM: Go to School
7:45 AM: Prep for Mass
8:00 AM: Mass
8:35 AM: Thanksgiving
9:00 AM: Terce
12:00 PM: Angelus
12:05 PM: Sixth
2:30 PM: None
2:50 PM: Go to school
4:00 PM: Half-Hour Meditation
4:30 PM: Vespers
8:30 PM: Compline
9:00 PM: Lights out

When am I going to shave, breakfast, swim, etc?

When there's no school, the day starts later by half an hour.

God help us all.