I know so many of these last posts have been about the resolution. Here's one that's not, even if I have to apologize for it at the beginning.
"Saint Paul," Rembrandt |
I found a voice last night with the youngsters and teachers at CCD. Mom, late on Christmas night, read me a paragraph from Keirsey's "Please understand me" on leadership. Most of his insights seem painfully obvious. This one was, too. But the pain also yielded quickly to appreciation. It was about leadership. I'll forget the details of it (small wonder) but the gist was that "They will follow you." What I got a from mom was that the bond between "Pastor and parish" or between "friend and peers" is as strong as the relationship they have with you and you with them. They will follow you because they love you. There's been a fusion at the level of persons that has transcended the particularities of mission or objective. They will follow you to the gates of hell, they will follow you into battle, they will follow you wherever you go...More later.
Also, in case you're wondering if yesterday I wrote any thank you notes—even a single one—the answer is no.
And lastly, if you're also wondering whether the time indicated below corresponds to the time I closed my laptop, got up out of my seat and left to open the Church (or hop in the shower—if it's a Saturday) the answer is yes.