Wednesday, January 27, 2021

When Tom met Ceci...

More details, please, of that fateful first evening.

What time was it? How long had dad already been at the Topaz House that afternoon? If St. John’s got out around three o’clock, were Tom and Mary Ellen back in Bethesda by 4:00 PM or 5:00 PM?  What time did Ceci get out from her paralegal job in Foggy Bottom?  When would she have walked into her apartment? 6:00 PM? Was traffic getting out of downtown as bad 44 years ago as it is now?

Where was Dad headed to that evening? Was he living at Kayson? Or was he already renting a place in Silver Spring?  Why, initially, not stay for dinner?  Did he eventually stay for dinner after they had met? How much longer did he stay?

Who else was in the apartment that evening? Mechis? Jimmy?  What was the weather like? (We can look that up.)

Any recalling what the conversation was that mom overheard as she entered? Without any expectation of meeting the man who would become her husband at that moment, what struck you about him?

What was it, Dad, that struck you about mom?  Had you already gotten up to go?  Had she already entered the room?

We know the rest of the story. We’re just looking for some details to help fill it in. You can remember them.  It may take a minute to recall—I understand the guardian angels are very helpful with recall of this sort, even if the smallest points don’t entirely agree, they’re still important. So take a minute or two—or, better yet reminisce together over a glass of wine and some liverwurst-on-saltines to help jog the memory—and get back to us.

We’re glad you met that day. Happy Anniversary!