Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Pronounce the words

Lorenzatti, "Man of Sorrow"
Let's look at the goal, the New Year's resolution, from within a broader perspective.  To pray the canonical hours is firstly and foremost a resolution "to pray." I've been focussing a lot on the peripheral, logistical elements of setting up the time to pray.  Necessary.  But I can't lose sight of the fact that this is supposed to be prayer.  It's supposed to be a direct interaction of an intimately relational sort with the living God.

This is where all of the little things such as when and how and where and what I'm saying yield the one big thing: communing with the Almighty.

Good to keep in mind as I continue to tweak the "lesser things." They're "lesser," however, not because they lack a strong relation with the bigger thing.  But because they're more susceptible to alteration for the sake of the preservation of the bigger thing.

Pronounce the words clearly.  Not slurred.  This is a lesser thing with a strong relation to the greater thing.