Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Guard against activist as against despair

There was a moment over the last several exhausting days where I noticed a temptation subtly and quietly rear its ugly head. (Is that a contradiction? Is "rearing" by definition neither subtle nor quiet? If it is a contradiction, then it was all the more alarming that I noticed it. Anyway.)

I've been working on praying those Hours. Life being as busy as it can be sometimes impinges on my ability.  This was especially so after receiving some dispiriting news.  So, amidst the hustle and bustle of what has to happen anyway, I noticed slippage in the dignity, attention and devotion with which I want to go about everything, especially the prayer.

Now, I know that the whole name of the game is learning to turn an otherwise really busy moment into a substantial case of love.  The moment becomes a stage, and the show that must go on must be played to the best audience of all, the Trinity, Our Lady, the Holy Souls, all the Saints, the ones immediately present.  Don't dog it just cause you're tired, or cause you're reeling from a bad report.  Keep at it.

That's all.