Sunday, January 01, 2023

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year.
I’m rekindling the resolution to write.
I did it before, a year or two ago.
It helped.
It organizes the thoughts in the mind.
Or so says Jordan Peterson.
It wakes up the brain in the morning.
Not bad.
With some foresight and cleverness it may coalesce into a way to produce homilies articles and, dare I say, longer pieces, like chapters of books.
I did 200-a-day for 100 days before. That grew to 250 and lasted longer. I’d have to check, but it may’ve gone on for more than six months.
I turned it into a continuous, longer study on a topic of interest at the time. I may have to be more versatile with the projects. Have a few going on at once. Projects, also, would entail ending-points or goal. Like, I’d like to actually finish writing. I think this may help quite a bit. So, it’s not then about the act producing words so much as the act of completing thoughts, expressing ideas more perfectly.

One topic of interest will be “Respect & Obedience.” This is what priests owe to their bishops and to the pope. Can we get a firmer hold on what that is, how best to fulfill that promise, and what to avoid that would derail us?

Also, I’d like to articulate some questions on the topic of Sacred Music in the Parish.