Friday, May 28, 2021



Duccio, "Burial"
RS 172 regards the graviora delicta. The process for handling these delicts is reserved to the Apostolic See, specifically through the CDF. Four delicts are named: 1) throwing away the MBS or taking them away for sacrilegious ends, or 2) even attempting as much; 3) concelebrating Mass with ecclesial communions who don’t have validly ordained ministers; 4) consecration for sacrilegious ends in Mass of only one matter or of both matters outside of Mass.

RS 173 on grave matters refers reflexively to the earlier parts of this Instruction as well as to certain Canons in the CIC. The common teaching and established norms of the Church are integral to judging the gravity of the matter of specific abuses. Any putting at risk the validity & dignity of the MBS is objectively to be considered a grave matter. It, then, cites specifically twenty-eight of its own paragraphs which deal with matter that is objectively to be considered grave.

The twenty-eight paragraphs in RS are:

48-52: The matter of the Bread & Wine used for Mass;

56: The naming in the Canon of the Pope and local ordinary;

76: Uniting Penance & Mass in a single liturgical celebration;

77: Inserting the celebration of Mass into the setting of a common meal, or, without grave necessity, on a dinner table or in a dining hall;

79: Introducing into the Mass elements that are contrary to the prescriptions of liturgical books & taken from the rites of other religions;

91: Denying Holy Communion or any of the Sacraments to those who seek them in a reasonable manner, are rightly disposed and are not prohibited by law;


Image: Duccio, "Burial"