Monday, May 18, 2020

AD LAUDES: In Vigilia Ascensionis, Commemoratio ad Laudes tantum: S. Bernardini Senensis Confessoris

Chant Sheet:



name:  AD LAUDES: In Vigilia Ascensionis, Commemoratio ad Laudes tantum: S. Bernardini Senensis Confessoris;
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De(h)us(h'_) (,) in(h) ad(h)ju(h)tó(hi)ri(h)um(h) mé(h)um(h'_) in(h)tén(gh)de.(h.) (::)
( )R/ Dó(h)mi(h)ne(h'_) (,) ad(h) ad(h)ju(h)ván(h)dum(h) me(h'_) fe(h)stí(gh)na.(h.) (:)
Gló(h)ri(h)a(h) Pá(h)tri,(h) et(h) Fí(h)li(h)o,(h'_) (,) et(h) Spi(h)rí(h)tu(h)i(h) Sán(gh)cto.(h.) (:) Si(h)cut(h) é(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)cí(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) nunc,(h) et(h) sem(h)per(h.) (,) et(h) in(h) saé(h)cu(h)la(h) sae(h)cu(h)ló(h)rum.(h) A(gh)men.(h.) (;) Al(h)le(i)lú(hg~)ia.(g.)

name: PSALMS;
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Al(g)le(h)lú(hj)ia,(i_') *(,) al(h)le(g')lú(h)ia,(gf) al(gh)le(g)lú(e.)ia.(e.) (::)

name: ;
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Dó(g)mi(hj)nus(j) re(j)gná(j)vit(j) ex(j)súl(k)tet(j) ter(ih)ra:(j.) *(:) læ(j)tén(j)tur(j) ín(h)su(j)(i) mul(h)tæ.(g.) (::)
2. Nu(j)bes,(j) et(j) ca(j)lí(j)go(j) in(j) cir(j)(k)i(j)tu(j) e(ih)jus:(j.) *(:) jus(j)tí(j)ti(j)a,(j) et(j) ju(j)dí(j)ci(j)um(j) cor(j)réc(j)ti(j)o(h) se(j)dis(i) e(h)jus.(g.) (::)
3. I(j)gnis(j) an(j)te(j) ip(k)sum(j) præ(j)(ih)det:(j.) *(:) et(j) in(j)flam(j)má(j)bit(j) in(j) cir(j)cú(j)i(j)tu(j) in(j)i(h)(j)cos(i) e(h)jus.(g.) (::)
4. Il(j)lu(j)xé(j)runt(j) fúl(j)gu(j)ra(j) e(j)jus(j) or(k)bi(j) ter(ih)ræ:(j.) *(:) vi(j)dit(j) et(j) com(j)(h)ta(j) est(i) ter(h)ra.(g.) (::)
5. Mon(j)tes,(j) sic(j)ut(j) ce(j)ra(j) flu(j)xé(j)runt(j) a(j) (k)ci(j)e(j) (j)mi(ih)ni:(j.) *(:) a(j) fá(j)ci(j)e(j) Dó(j)mi(j)ni(h) om(j)nis(i) ter(h)ra.(g.) (::)
6. An(j)nun(j)ti(j)a(j)vé(j)runt(j) cæ(j)li(j) jus(j)(k)ti(j)am(j) e(ih)jus:(j.) *(:) et(j) vi(j)dé(j)runt(j) om(j)nes(j) pó(j)pu(j)li(j) gló(h)ri(j)am(i) e(h)jus.(g.) (::)
7. Con(j)fun(j)dán(j)tur(j) om(j)nes,(j) qui(j) ad(j)ó(k)rant(j) sculp(j)(j)li(ih)a:(j.) *(:) et(j) qui(j) glo(j)ri(j)án(j)tur(j) in(j) si(j)mu(h)(j)cris(i) su(h)is.(g.) (::)
8. Ad(j)o(j)rá(j)te(j) e(j)um,(j) om(j)nes(j) An(k)ge(j)li(j) e(ih)jus:(j.) *(:) au(j)dí(j)vit,(j) et(j) læ(j)(h)ta(j) est(i) Si(h)on.(g.) (::)
9. Et(j) ex(j)sul(j)ta(j)vé(j)runt(j) (k)li(j)æ(j) Ju(ih)dæ:(j.) *(:) prop(j)ter(j) ju(j)dí(j)ci(j)a(h) tu(j)a,(i) (h)mi(g)ne:(g.) (::)
10. Quón(j)i(j)am(j) tu(j) Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) Al(j)tís(j)si(j)mus(j) su(j)per(j) om(k)nem(j) ter(ih)ram:(j.) *(:) ni(j)mis(j) ex(j)al(j)tá(j)tus(j) es(j) su(j)per(h) om(j)nes(i) de(h)os.(g.) (::)
11. Qui(j) di(j)lí(j)gi(j)tis(j) Dó(j)mi(j)num,(j) o(j)(k)te(j) ma(ih)lum:(j.) *(:) cus(j)tó(j)dit(j) Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) á(j)ni(j)mas(j) sanc(j)tó(j)rum(j) su(j)ó(j)rum,(j) de(j) ma(j)nu(j) pec(j)ca(j)tó(j)ris(j) li(j)be(h)(j)bit(i) e(h)os.(g.) (::)
12. Lux(j) or(k)ta(j) est(j) jus(ih)to,(j.) *(:) et(j) rec(j)tis(j) cor(h)de(j) (i)(h)ti(g)a.(g.) (::)
13. Læ(j)tá(j)mi(j)ni,(j) jus(k)ti(j) in(j) (j)mi(ih)no:(j.) *(:) et(j) con(j)fi(j)té(j)mi(j)ni(j) me(j)mó(j)ri(j)æ(j) sanc(j)ti(j)fi(j)ca(j)ti(h)ó(j)nis(i) e(h)jus.(g.) (::)
14. Gló(j)ri(j)a(j) Pa(k)tri,(j) et(j) (j)li(ih)o,(j.) *(:) et(j) Spi(j)(h)tu(j)i(i) Sanc(h)to.(g.) (::)
15. Sic(j)ut(j) e(j)rat(j) in(j) prin(j)cí(j)pi(j)o,(j) et(j) nunc,(k) et(j) sem(ih)per,(j.) *(:) et(j) in(j) sǽ(j)cu(j)la(j) sæ(j)cu(h)(j)rum.(i) A(h)men.(g.) (::)

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Te(g) de(hj)cet(j) hym(j)nus,(j) De(k)us,(j) in(j) Si(ih)on:(j.) *(:) et(j) ti(j)bi(j) red(j)dé(j)tur(j) vo(j)tum(h) in(j) Je(i)(h)sa(g)lem.(g.) (::)
2. Ex(j)áu(j)di(j) o(j)ra(j)ti(j)ó(k)nem(j) me(ih)am:(j.) *(:) ad(j) te(j) om(j)nis(h) ca(j)ro(i) (h)ni(g)et.(g.) (::)
3. Ver(j)ba(j) in(j)i(j)quó(j)rum(j) præ(j)va(j)lu(j)é(k)runt(j) su(j)per(ih) nos:(j.) *(:) et(j) im(j)pi(j)e(j)tá(j)ti(j)bus(j) nos(j)tris(j) tu(j) pro(h)pi(j)ti(i)á(h)be(g)ris.(g.) (::)
4. Be(j)á(j)tus(j) quem(j) e(j)le(j)gís(j)ti(j) et(j) as(k)sump(j)sís(ih)ti:(j.) *(:) in(j)ha(j)bi(j)tá(j)bit(j) in(j) á(h)tri(j)is(i) tu(h)is.(g.) (::)
5. Re(j)plé(j)bi(j)mur(j) in(j) bo(j)nis(j) do(j)mus(j) tu(j)æ,(j) sanc(j)tum(j) est(j) tem(k)plum(j) tu(ih)um:(j.) *(:) mi(j)rá(j)bi(j)le(j) in(h) æ(j)qui(i)(h)te.(g.) (::)
6. Ex(j)áu(j)di(j) nos,(j) De(j)us(j) sa(j)lu(j)(k)ris(j) nos(ih)ter:(j.) *(:) spes(j) óm(j)ni(j)um(j) fí(j)ni(j)um(j) ter(j)ræ(j) et(j) in(h) ma(j)ri(i) lon(h)ge.(g.) (::)
7. Prǽ(j)pa(j)rans(j) mon(j)tes(j) in(j) vir(j)tú(j)te(j) tu(j)a,(j) ac(j)cínc(k)tus(j) pot(j)én(j)ti(ih)a:(j.) *(:) qui(j) con(j)túr(j)bas(j) pro(j)fún(j)dum(j) ma(j)ris(j) so(j)num(j) flúc(h)tu(j)um(i) e(h)jus.(g.) (::)
8. Tur(j)ba(j)bún(j)tur(j) Gen(j)tes,(j) et(j) ti(j)mé(j)bunt(j) qui(j) há(j)bi(j)tant(j) tér(j)mi(j)nos(j) a(j) si(k)gnis(j) tu(ih)is:(j.) *(:) éx(j)i(j)tus(j) ma(j)tu(j)tí(j)ni,(j) et(j) vés(j)pe(j)re(h) de(j)lec(i)(h)bis.(g.) (::)
9. Vi(j)si(j)tás(j)ti(j) ter(j)ram,(j) et(j) in(j)e(j)bri(j)ás(k)ti(j) e(ih)am:(j.) *(:) mul(j)ti(j)pli(j)cás(j)ti(j) lo(j)cu(j)ple(h)(j)re(i) e(h)am.(g.) (::)
10. Flu(j)men(j) De(j)i(j) re(j)plé(j)tum(j) est(j) a(j)quis;(j) pa(j)rás(j)ti(j) ci(k)bum(j) il(j)(ih)rum:(j.) *(:) quón(j)i(j)am(j) i(j)ta(j) est(j) præ(j)pa(j)(h)ti(j)o(i) e(h)jus.(g.) (::)
11. Ri(j)vos(j) e(j)jus(j) in(j)é(j)bri(j)a(j) mul(j)tí(j)pli(j)ca(j) ge(j)(k)mi(j)na(j) e(ih)jus:(j.) *(:) in(j) stil(j)li(j)cí(j)di(j)is(j) e(j)jus(j) læ(j)(h)bi(j)tur(i) gér(h)mi(g)nans.(g.) (::)
12. Be(j)ne(j)dí(j)ces(j) co(j)ró(j)næ(j) an(j)ni(j) be(j)ni(j)gni(j)(k)tis(j) tu(ih)æ:(j.) *(:) et(j) cam(j)pi(j) tu(j)i(j) re(j)ple(j)bún(j)tur(h) u(j)ber(i)(h)te.(g.) (::)
13. Pin(j)gué(j)scent(j) spe(j)ci(j)ó(k)sa(j) de(j)sér(ih)ti:(j.) *(:) et(j) ex(j)sul(j)ta(j)ti(j)ó(j)ne(j) col(j)les(h) ac(j)cin(i)gén(h)tur.(g.) (::)
14. Ind(j)ú(j)ti(j) sunt(j) a(j)rí(j)e(j)tes(j) ó(j)vi(j)um(j) et(j) val(j)les(j) ab(j)un(j)(k)bunt(j) fru(j)mén(ih)to:(j.) *(:) cla(j)má(j)bunt,(j) ét(j)e(j)nim(h) hym(j)num(i) di(h)cent.(g.) (::)
15. Gló(j)ri(j)a(j) Pa(k)tri,(j) et(j) (j)li(ih)o,(j.) *(:) et(j) Spi(j)(h)tu(j)i(i) Sanc(h)to.(g.) (::)
16. Sic(j)ut(j) e(j)rat(j) in(j) prin(j)cí(j)pi(j)o,(j) et(j) nunc,(k) et(j) sem(ih)per,(j.) *(:) et(j) in(j) sǽ(j)cu(j)la(j) sæ(j)cu(h)(j)rum.(i) A(h)men.(g.) (::)

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Mi(g)se(hj)ri(j)cór(j)di(j)am,(j) et(k) ju(j)(j)ci(ih)um(j.) *(:) can(j)tá(j)bo(h) ti(j)bi,(i) (h)mi(g)ne:(g.) (::)
2. Psal(j)lam,(j) et(j) in(j)tél(j)li(j)gam(j) in(j) vi(j)a(j) im(j)ma(k)cu(j)(ih)ta,(j.) *(:) quan(j)do(j) (h)ni(j)es(i) ad(h) me.(g.) (::)
3. Per(j)am(j)bu(j)lá(j)bam(j) in(j) in(j)no(j)cén(j)ti(j)a(j) cor(k)dis(j) me(ih)i:(j.) *(:) in(j) mé(j)di(j)o(h) do(j)mus(i) me(h)æ.(g.) (::)
4. Non(j) pro(j)po(j)né(j)bam(j) an(j)te(j) ó(j)cu(j)los(j) me(j)os(j) rem(k) in(j)jús(ih)tam:(j.) *(:) fa(j)ci(j)én(j)tes(j) præ(j)va(j)ri(j)ca(j)ti(j)ó(h)nes(j) o(i)(h)vi.(g.) (::)
5. Non(j) ad(j)hǽ(j)sit(j) mi(k)hi(j) cor(j) pra(ih)vum:(j.) *(:) de(j)cli(j)nán(j)tem(j) a(j) me(j) ma(j)lí(j)gnum(j) non(h) co(j)gno(i)scé(h)bam.(g.) (::)
6. De(j)tra(j)hén(j)tem(j) se(j)cré(j)to(j) pró(k)xi(j)mo(j) su(ih)o,(j.) *(:) hunc(h) per(j)se(i)qué(h)bar.(g.) (::)
7. Su(j)pér(j)bo(j) ó(j)cu(j)lo,(j) et(j) in(j)sa(j)ti(j)á(k)bi(j)li(j) cor(ih)de,(j.) *(:) cum(j) hoc(h) non(j) e(i)(h)bam.(g.) (::)
8. O(j)cu(j)li(j) me(j)i(j) ad(j) fi(j)dé(j)les(j) ter(j)ræ(j) ut(j) (k)de(j)ant(j) me(ih)cum:(j.) *(:) ám(j)bu(j)lans(j) in(j) vi(j)a(j) im(j)ma(j)cu(j)lá(j)ta,(j) hic(j) mi(j)hi(h) mi(j)nis(i)trá(h)bat.(g.) (::)
9. Non(j) ha(j)bi(j)tá(j)bit(j) in(j) mé(j)di(j)o(j) do(j)mus(j) me(j)æ,(j) qui(j) fa(k)cit(j) su(j)pér(j)bi(ih)am:(j.) *(:) qui(j) ló(j)qui(j)tur(j) in(j)í(j)qua,(j) non(j) di(j)ré(j)xit(j) in(j) con(j)spéc(j)tu(j) o(j)cu(j)(h)rum(j) me(i)ó(h)rum.(g.) (::)
10. In(j) ma(j)tu(j)tí(j)no(j) in(j)ter(j)fi(j)ci(j)é(j)bam(j) om(j)nes(j) pec(j)ca(j)(k)res(j) ter(ih)ræ:(j.) *(:) ut(j) dis(j)pér(j)de(j)rem(j) de(j) ci(j)vi(j)tá(j)te(j) Dó(j)mi(j)ni(j) om(j)nes(j) o(j)pe(j)rán(j)tes(j) in(h)i(j)qui(i)(h)tem.(g.) (::)
11. Gló(j)ri(j)a(j) Pa(k)tri,(j) et(j) (j)li(ih)o,(j.) *(:) et(j) Spi(j)(h)tu(j)i(i) Sanc(h)to.(g.) (::)
12. Sic(j)ut(j) e(j)rat(j) in(j) prin(j)cí(j)pi(j)o,(j) et(j) nunc,(k) et(j) sem(ih)per,(j.) *(:) et(j) in(j) sǽ(j)cu(j)la(j) sæ(j)cu(h)(j)rum.(i) A(h)men.(g.) (::)

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Hym(g)num(hj) can(j)(k)mus(j) (j)mi(ih)no,(j.) *(:) hym(j)num(j) no(j)vum(j) can(j)té(j)mus(h) De(j)o(i) nos(h)tro.(g.) (::)
2. A(j)do(j)ná(j)i,(j) Dó(j)mi(j)ne,(j) ma(j)gnus(j) es(j) tu,(j) et(j) præ(j)clá(j)rus(j) in(j) vir(j)(k)te(j) tu(ih)a,(j.) *(:) et(j) quem(j) su(j)pe(j)rá(j)re(h) ne(j)mo(i) pot(h)est.(g.) (::)
3. Ti(j)bi(j) sér(j)vi(j)at(j) om(j)nis(j) cre(j)a(j)(k)ra(j) tu(ih)a:(j.) *(:) qui(j)a(j) di(j)xís(h)ti,(j) et(i) fac(h)ta(g) sunt:(g.) (::)
4. Mi(j)sís(j)ti(j) spí(j)ri(j)tum(j) tu(j)um,(j) et(k) cre(j)á(j)ta(ih) sunt,(j.) *(:) et(j) non(j) est(j) qui(j) re(j)sís(j)tat(h) vo(j)ci(i) tu(h)æ.(g.) (::)
5. Mon(j)tes(j) a(j) fun(j)da(j)mén(j)tis(j) mo(j)ve(j)bún(k)tur(j) cum(j) a(ih)quis:(j.) *(:) pe(j)træ,(j) sic(j)ut(j) ce(j)ra,(j) li(j)qué(j)scent(j) an(j)te(j) (h)ci(j)em(i) tu(h)am.(g.) (::)
6. Qui(j) au(k)tem(j) ti(j)ment(ih) te,(j.) *(:) ma(j)gni(j) e(j)runt(j) a(j)pud(h) te(j) per(i) óm(h)ni(g)a.(g.) (::)
7. Væ(j) gen(j)ti(j) in(j)sur(j)gén(j)ti(j) su(j)per(j) ge(j)nus(j) me(j)um:(j) Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) e(j)nim(j) om(j)ní(j)pot(j)ens(j) vin(j)di(j)(k)bit(j) in(j) e(ih)is,(j.) *(:) in(j) di(j)e(j) ju(j)dí(j)ci(j)i(j) vi(j)si(h)(j)bit(i) il(h)los.(g.) (::)
8. Da(j)bit(j) e(j)nim(j) i(j)gnem,(j) et(j) ver(j)mes(j) in(j) car(k)nes(j) e(j)ó(ih)rum,(j.) *(:) ut(j) u(j)rán(j)tur,(j) et(j) sén(j)ti(j)ant(j) us(j)que(j) in(h) sem(j)pi(i)tér(h)num.(g.) (::)
9. Gló(j)ri(j)a(j) Pa(k)tri,(j) et(j) (j)li(ih)o,(j.) *(:) et(j) Spi(j)(h)tu(j)i(i) Sanc(h)to.(g.) (::)
10. Sic(j)ut(j) e(j)rat(j) in(j) prin(j)cí(j)pi(j)o,(j) et(j) nunc,(k) et(j) sem(ih)per,(j.) *(:) et(j) in(j) sǽ(j)cu(j)la(j) sæ(j)cu(h)(j)rum.(i) A(h)men.(g.) (::)

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Lau(g)da,(hj) á(j)ni(j)ma(j) me(j)a,(j) Dó(j)mi(h)num, †(h.) lau(j)dá(j)bo(j) Dó(j)mi(j)num(j) in(j) vi(k)ta(j) me(ih)a:(j.) *(:) psal(j)lam(j) De(j)o(j) me(j)o(j) quám(h)di(j)u(i) (h)e(g)ro.(g.) (::)
2. No(j)lí(j)te(j) con(j)fí(j)de(j)re(j) in(k) prin(j)(j)pi(ih)bus:(j.) *(:) in(j) fí(j)li(j)is(j) hó(j)mi(j)num,(j) in(j) qui(j)bus(h) non(j) est(i) sa(h)lus.(g.) (::)
3. Ex(j)í(j)bit(j) spí(j)ri(j)tus(j) e(j)jus,(j) et(j) re(j)ver(j)té(j)tur(j) in(j) ter(k)ram(j) su(ih)am:(j.) *(:) in(j) il(j)la(j) di(j)e(j) per(j)í(j)bunt(j) om(j)nes(j) co(j)gi(j)ta(j)ti(j)ó(h)nes(j) e(i)ó(h)rum.(g.) (::)
4. Be(j)á(j)tus,(j) cu(j)jus(j) De(j)us(j) Ja(j)cob(j) ad(j)jú(j)tor(j) e(j)jus, †(h.) spes(j) e(j)jus(j) in(j) Dó(j)mi(j)no(j) De(k)o(j) ip(j)(ih)us:(j.) *(:) qui(j) fe(j)cit(j) cæ(j)lum(j) et(j) ter(j)ram,(j) ma(j)re(j) et(j) óm(j)ni(j)a,(h) quæ(j) in(i) e(h)is(g) sunt.(g.) (::)
5. Qui(j) cus(j)tó(j)dit(j) ve(j)ri(j)tá(j)tem(j) in(j) sǽ(j)cu(h)lum, †(h.) fa(j)cit(j) ju(j)dí(j)ci(j)um(j) in(j)jú(j)ri(j)am(j) pa(k)ti(j)én(j)ti(ih)bus:(j.) *(:) dat(j) es(j)cam(j) e(h)su(j)ri(i)én(h)ti(g)bus.(g.) (::)
6. Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) sol(j)vit(j) com(k)pe(j)(ih)tos:(j.) *(:) Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) il(j)(h)mi(j)nat(i) (h)cos.(g.) (::)
7. Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) é(j)ri(j)git(k) e(j)(ih)sos:(j.) *(:) Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) (h)li(j)git(i) jus(h)tos.(g.) (::)
8. Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) cus(j)tó(j)dit(j) ád(j)ve(h)nas, †(h.) pu(j)píl(j)lum(j) et(j) ví(j)du(j)am(k) su(j)scí(j)pi(ih)et:(j.) *(:) et(j) vi(j)as(j) pec(j)ca(j)(h)rum(j) dis(i)pér(h)det.(g.) (::)
9. Re(j)gná(j)bit(j) Dó(j)mi(j)nus(j) in(j) sǽ(j)cu(j)la,(j) De(j)us(j) tu(k)us,(j) Si(ih)on,(j.) *(:) in(j) ge(j)ne(j)ra(j)ti(j)ó(j)nem(j) et(j) ge(j)ne(h)ra(j)ti(i)ó(h)nem.(g.) (::)
10. Gló(j)ri(j)a(j) Pa(k)tri,(j) et(j) (j)li(ih)o,(j.) *(:) et(j) Spi(j)(h)tu(j)i(i) Sanc(h)to.(g.) (::)
11. Sic(j)ut(j) e(j)rat(j) in(j) prin(j)cí(j)pi(j)o,(j) et(j) nunc,(k) et(j) sem(ih)per,(j.) *(:) et(j) in(j) sǽ(j)cu(j)la(j) sæ(j)cu(h)(j)rum.(i) A(h)men.(g.) (::)

name: ;
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Al(g)le(h)lú(hj)ia,(i_') *(,) al(h)le(g')lú(h)ia,(gf) al(gh)le(g)lú(e.)ia.(e.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: ;
annotation: ;
user-notes: Rom 6:9-10;
commentary: ;
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%font: GaramondPremierPro;
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%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;
Chri(h)stus(h) re(h)súr(h)gens(h) ex(h) mór(h)tu(h)is(h) iam(h) non(h) mó(h)ri(h)tur,(h) mors(h) il(h)li(h) ul(h)tra(h) non(h) do(h)mi(h)(h)bi(f.)tur.(f.) †(;) Quod(h) e(h)nim(h) mór(h)tu(h)us(h) est(h) pec(h)cá(h)to,(h) mór(h)tu(h)us(g) est(f) se(h)mel:(h.) *(;) quod(h) au(h)tem(h) vi(h)vit,(h) vi(h)vit(h) De(f)o.(ef..) (:)

( )R/ De(h)o(h) grá(f)ti(e)as.(ef..) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: 1;
user-notes: Hymnus;
commentary: ;
annotation: 3;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.9;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;
Au(e)ró(g)ra(h) cæ(h)lum(g) púr(hiwj)pu(ji)rat,(i_h) (,)
Æ(hiwj)ther(i') re(h)súl(h)tat(g) láu(h')di(f)bus,(g.) (;)
Mun(hiwj)dus(i') tri(h)úm(h)phans(g) iú(i')bi(g)lat,(h.) (,)
Hor(h)rens(h') a(h)vér(g)nus(f) ín(ghG'FE')fre(d)mit:(e.) (::)

2. Rex(e) il(g)le(h) dum(h) for(g)tís(hiwj)si(ji)mus(i_h) (,)
De(hiwj) mor(i')tis(h) in(h)fér(g)no(h') spe(f)cu(g.) (;)
Pa(hiwj)trum(i') se(h)ná(h)tum(g) lí(i')be(g)rum(h.) (,)
E(h)dú(h')cit(h) ad(g) vi(f)tæ(ghG'FE') iu(d)bar.(e.) (::)

3. Cu(e)ius(g) se(h)púl(h)crum(g) plú(hiwj)ri(ji)mo(i_h) (,)
Cu(hiwj)stó(i')de(h) si(h)gná(g)bat(h') la(f)pis,(g.) (;)
Vi(hiwj)ctor(i') tri(h)úm(h)phat,(g) et(i') su(g)o(h.) (,)
Mor(h)tem(h') se(h)púl(g)cro(f) fú(ghG'FE')ne(d)rat.(e.) (::)

4. Sat(e) fú(g)ne(h)ri,(h) sat(g) lá(hiwj)cri(ji)mis,(i_h) (,)
Sat(hiwj) est(i') da(h)tum(h) do(g)ló(h')ri(f)bus:(g.) (;)
Sur(hiwj)ré(i')xit(h) ex(h)stín(g)ctor(i') ne(g)cis,(h.) (,)
Cla(h)mat(h') co(h)rú(g)scans(f) Án(ghG'FE')ge(d)lus.(e.) (::)

5. Ut(e) sis(g) pe(h)rén(h)ne(g) mén(hiwj)ti(ji)bus(i_h) (,)
Pas(hiwj)chá(i')le,(h) Ie(h)su,(g) gáu(h')di(f)um,(g.) (;)
A(hiwj) mor(i')te(h) di(h)ra(g) crí(i')mi(g)num(h.) (,)
Vi(h)tæ(h') re(h)ná(g)tos(f) lí(ghG'FE')be(d)ra.(e.)(::)

6. De(e)o(g) Pa(h)tri(h) sit(g) gló(hiwj)ri(ji)a,(i_h) (,)
Et(hiwj) Fí(i')li(h)o,(h) qui(g) a(g) mór(h')tu(f)is(g.) (;)
Sur(hiwj)ré(i')xit,(h) ac(h) Pa(g)rá(i')cli(g)to,(h.) (,)
In(h) sem(h')pi(h)tér(g)na(f) sǽ(ghG'FE')cu(d)la.(e.) (::)
A(efe)men.(d.e.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: 0 ;
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commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
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%spacing: vichi;
( )V/ In(h) re(h)sur(h)re(h)cti(h)ó(h)ne(h) tu(h)a,(h) Chri(h)ste,(h) al(h)le(h)lú(h)ia.(g_'!hvGF'Efgf.) (:) 
( )R/ Cæ(h)li(h) et(h) ter(h)ra(h) læ(h)tén(h)tur,(h) al(h)le(h)lú(h)ia.(g_'!hvGF'Efgf.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: ;
annotation: 1.f ;
user-notes: Benedictus: ex Proprio de tempore.;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.5;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11;
%spacing: vichi;
PA(d)ter,(dc) ve(f)nit(g) ho(f_h)ra:(h'_) *(,)
cla(h)rí(ixi')fi(h)ca(g') Fí(g)li(g)um(g) tu(f_h)um(g.) (;)
cla(g')ri(g)tá(g)te(e') quam(g) há(h')bu(g)i,(f_g) (,)
pri(e')ús(c)quam(eg) mun(e')dus(f) es(g)set,(f_') (,) 
a(f)pud(fe) te,(dc) al(d)le(fe)lú(d.)ia.(d.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: ;
annotation: 1.f ;
user-notes: Canticum Zachariæ;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.5;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11;
%spacing: vichi;
Be(f)ne(gh)díc(h)tus(h) Dó(h)mi(h)nus,(h) De(ixi)us(h) Is(g)ra(h)ël:(h.) *(:) qui(h)a(h) vi(h)si(h)tá(h)vit,(h) et(h) fe(h)cit(h) red(h)emp(h)ti(h)ó(h)nem(h) ple(g)bis(f) su(gh)æ:(gf..) (::)
2. Et(f) e(gh)ré(h)xit(h) cor(h)nu(h) sa(h)(ixi)tis(h) no(g)bis:(h.) *(:) in(h) do(h)mo(h) Da(h)vid,(h) pú(h)e(g)ri(f) su(gh)i.(gf..) (::)
3. Sic(f)ut(gh) lo(h)cú(h)tus(h) est(h) per(h) os(ixi) sanc(h)(g)rum,(h.) *(:) qui(h) a(h) sǽ(h)cu(h)lo(h) sunt,(h) pro(h)phe(h)(g)rum(f) e(gh)jus:(gf..) (::)
4. Sa(f)lú(gh)tem(h) ex(h) in(h)i(h)(ixi)cis(h) nos(g)tris,(h.) *(:) et(h) de(h) ma(h)nu(h) óm(h)ni(h)um,(h) qui(g) o(f)(gh)runt(g) nos.(gf..) (::)
5. Ad(f) fa(gh)ci(h)én(h)dam(h) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)am(h) cum(h) (ixi)tri(h)bus(h) nos(g)tris:(h.) *(:) et(h) me(h)mo(h)rá(h)ri(h) tes(h)ta(h)mén(h)ti(h) su(g)i(f) sanc(gh)ti.(gf..) (::)
6. Ju(f)sju(gh)rán(h)dum,(h) quod(h) ju(h)rá(h)vit(h) ad(h) A(h)bra(h)ham(h) pa(ixi)trem(h) nos(g)trum,(h.) *(:) da(h)tú(h)rum(g) se(f) no(gh)bis:(gf..) (::)
7. Ut(f) si(gh)ne(h) ti(h)mó(h)re,(h) de(h) ma(h)nu(h) in(h)i(h)mi(h)có(h)rum(h) nos(h)tró(h)rum(h) li(ixi)be(h)(g)ti,(h.) *(:) ser(h)vi(h)á(g)mus(f) il(gh)li.(gf..) (::)
8. In(f) sanc(gh)ti(h)tá(h)te,(h) et(h) jus(h)tí(h)ti(h)a(h) co(ixi)ram(h) ip(g)so,(h.) *(:) óm(h)ni(h)bus(h) di(h)é(g)bus(f) nos(gh)tris.(gf..) (::)
9. Et(f) tu,(gh) pu(h)er,(h) Pro(h)phé(h)ta(h) Al(h)tís(h)si(h)mi(ixi) vo(h)(g)be(h)ris:(h.) *(:) præ(h)í(h)bis(h) e(h)nim(h) an(h)te(h) fá(h)ci(h)em(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ni,(h) pa(h)rá(h)re(h) vi(g)as(f) e(gh)jus:(gf..) (::)
10. Ad(f) dan(gh)dam(h) sci(h)én(h)ti(h)am(h) sa(h)lú(h)tis(h) ple(ixi)bi(h) e(g)jus:(h.) *(:) in(h) re(h)mis(h)si(h)ó(h)nem(h) pec(h)ca(h)tó(h)rum(g) e(f)ó(gh)rum:(gf..) (::)
11. Per(f) ví(gh)sce(h)ra(h) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)æ(h) De(ixi)i(h) nos(g)tri:(h.) *(:) in(h) qui(h)bus(h) vi(h)si(h)tá(h)vit(h) nos,(h) ó(h)ri(h)ens(g) ex(f) al(gh)to:(gf..) (::)
12. Il(f)lu(gh)mi(h)ná(h)re(h) his,(h) qui(h) in(h) té(h)ne(h)bris,(h) et(h) in(h) um(h)bra(h) mor(ixi)tis(h) se(g)dent:(h.) *(:) ad(h) di(h)ri(h)gén(h)dos(h) pe(h)des(h) nos(h)tros(h) in(h) vi(g)am(f) pa(gh)cis.(gf..) (::)
13. Gló(f)ri(gh)a(h) Pa(ixi)tri,(h) et(h) (g)li(h)o,(h.) *(:) et(h) Spi(h)rí(h)tu(g)i(f) Sanc(gh)to.(gf..) (::)
14. Sic(f)ut(gh) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)cí(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) nunc,(ixi) et(h) sem(g)per,(h.) *(:) et(h) in(h) sǽ(h)cu(h)la(h) sæ(h)cu(h)(g)rum.(f) A(gh)men.(gf..) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: ;
annotation: 1.f ;
user-notes: Benedictus: ex Proprio de tempore.;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.5;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11;
%spacing: vichi;
PA(d)ter,(dc) ve(f)nit(g) ho(f_h)ra:(h'_) *(,)
cla(h)rí(ixi')fi(h)ca(g') Fí(g)li(g)um(g) tu(f_h)um(g.) (;)
cla(g')ri(g)tá(g)te(e') quam(g) há(h')bu(g)i,(f_g) (,)
pri(e')ús(c)quam(eg) mun(e')dus(f) es(g)set,(f_') (,) 
a(f)pud(fe) te,(dc) al(d)le(fe)lú(d.)ia.(d.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: 0 ;
annotation: ;
user-notes: Oratio: Tonus Solemnis;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.9;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;
( )V/ Dó(g)mi(h)ne,(h) e(h)xáu(h)di(g) o(g)ra(g)ti(g)ó(g)nem(h) me(hg)am.(g.) (::) 
( )R/ Et(g) cla(h)mor(h) me(h)us(g) ad(g) te(g) vé(h)ni(h)at.(h.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: ;
annotation: ;
user-notes: (Proper of Saint/Season) ;
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%font: GaramondPremierPro;
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%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;

O(h)(gh)mus.(h.) (:)

De(g)us,(h) a(h) quo(h) bo(h)na(h) cun(h)cta(h) pro(h)cé(h)dunt,(h) lar(h)gí(h)re(h) sup(h)plí(h)ci(h)bus(h) tu(h)is:(g.) †(;) ut(g) co(h)gi(h)té(h)mus,(h) te(h) in(h)spi(h)rán(h)te,(h) quæ(h) re(h)cta(h) sunt;(h) *(,) et,(g) te(h) gu(h)ber(h)nán(h)te,(h) é(h)a(h)dem(h) fa(g)ci(g)á(h)mus.(h.) (:)

Per(g) Dó(h)mi(h)num(h) no(h)strum(h) Ie(h)sum(h) Chri(h)stum,(h) Fí(h)li(h)um(h) tu(h)um:(g.) †(,) qui(g) te(h)cum(h) vi(h)vit(h) et(h) re(h)gnat(h) in(h) u(h)ni(h)tá(h)te(h) Spí(h)ri(h)tus(h) San(g)cti,(g) De(h)us,(h.) (;) per(g) óm(h)ni(h)a(h) sǽ(h)cu(h)la(h) sæ(g)cu(h)ló(hg)rum.(g.) (::)

( )R/ A(g.)men.(h.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: ;
annotation: 4.E ;
user-notes: Commemoration: Ant;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.5;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11;
%spacing: vichi;
EU(eefE'D)ge(ed__) *(,) ser(e)ve(f) bo(g)ne(f) et(gh) fi(gf)dé(e)lis,(e.) (;) qui(f)a(e') in(f) pau(gf~)ca(gh) fu(g)í(e_f)sti(g) fi(gf)dé(e)lis,(e.) (:) su(e)pra(f) mul(gh)ta(g') te(g) con(g)stí(hi)tu(h)am:(g.) (;) in(ghg~)tra(h') in(g) gáu(e)di(fg)um(g.) (,) Dó(fd)mi(e)ni(fg) tu(e.)i.(e.) T. P.(::) Al(g)le(gf)lú(e.)ia.(e.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: ;
annotation: ;
user-notes: Verse;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.5;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11;
%spacing: vichi;
Iu(h)stum(h) de(h)dú(h)xit(h) Dó(h)mi(h)nus(h) per(h) vi(h)as(h) re(h)ctas,(h) al(h)le(h)lú(h)ia.(f.) (:) Et(h) o(h)stén(h)dit(h) il(h)li(h) re(h)gnum(h) De(h)i,(h) al(h)le(h)lú(h)ia.(f.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: ;
annotation: ;
user-notes: Commemoration of Saint/Season ;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.9;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;

O(h)(gh)mus.(h.) (:)

Dó(g)mi(h)ne(h) Ie(h)su,(h) qui(h) be(h)á(h)to(h) Ber(h)nar(h)dí(h)no(h) Con(h)fes(h)só(h)ri(h) tu(h)o(h) e(h)xí(h)mi(h)um(h) san(h)cti(h) nó(h)mi(h)nis(h) tu(h)i(h) a(h)mó(h)rem(h) tri(h)bu(h)í(h)sti:(g.) †(;) e(g)ius,(h) quǽ(h)su(h)mus,(h) mé(h)ri(h)tis(h) et(h) in(h)ter(h)ces(h)si(h)ó(h)ne,(h) *(,) spí(g)ri(h)tum(h) no(h)bis(h) tu(h)æ(h) di(h)le(h)cti(h)ó(h)nis(h) be(h)ní(h)gnus(g) in(g)fún(h)de.(h.) (:)

Qui(g) vi(h)vis(h) et(h) re(h)gnas(h) cum(h) De(h)o(h) Pa(h)tre,(h) in(h) u(h)ni(h)tá(h)te(h) Spí(h)ri(h)tus(h) San(g)cti,(g) De(h)us,(h.) (;) per(g) óm(h)ni(h)a(h) sǽ(h)cu(h)la(h) (g)cu(h)(hg)rum.(g.) (::)

( )R/ A(g.)men.(h.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: 0 ;
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user-notes: Conclusion;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.9;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;
( )V/ Dó(h)mi(h)ne,(h) e(h)xáu(h)di(h) o(h)ra(h)ti(h)ó(h)nem(h) me(h)am.(f.) (:) 
( )R/ Et(h) cla(h)mor(h) me(h)us(h) ad(h) te(h) vé(h)ni(f)at.(f.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: 0 ;
annotation: 1;
user-notes: Conclusion;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.9;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;
( )V/ BE(e)ne(g')di(h)cá(i)mus(i.) Dó(hi! j_iig.!ivHG'FEfgf')mi(f)no.(e.) (::)
( )R/ Dé(e.g!hwi)o(hi! j_iig.!ivHG'FE) grá(fgf')ti(f)as.(e.) (::)
( )V/ Fi(e)dé(e)li(e)um(e) á(e)ni(e)mæ(e) per(e) mi(e)se(e)ri(e)cór(e)di(e)am(e) De(e)i(e) re(e)qui(e)é(e)scant(e) in(e) pa(e)ce.(e.) (::)
( )R/ A(e.)men.(e.) (::)

name: ;
initial-style: 0 ;
annotation: ;
user-notes: Et ita absolvuntur Laudes ;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
%font: GaramondPremierPro;
%width: 7.9;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;

name: ;
initial-style: 0 ;
annotation: ;
user-notes: (Privately: Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Credo) ;
commentary: ;
centering-scheme: english;
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%width: 7.9;
%fontsize: 22;
%height: 11.25;
%spacing: vichi;