(refer to this hour for template for little hours, it came out well)
Chant Sheet:
Chant Sheet:
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name: Feria Secunda infra Hebdomadam II post Octavam Paschæ ;
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De(h)us(h'_) (,) in(h) ad(h)ju(h)to(i)ri(h)um(h) me(h)um(h'_) in(h)ten(g)de.(h.)
(::)R/ Do(h)mi(h)ne(h'_) (,) ad(h) ad(h)ju(h)van(h)dum(h) me(h'_) fe(h)sti(g)na.(h.) (:) Glo(h)ri(h)a(h) Pa(h)tri,(h) et(h) Fi(h)li(h)o(h'_) (,) et(h) Spi(h)ri(h)tu(h)i(h) San(g)cto.(h.) (:) Si(h)cut(h) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)ci(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) nunc,(h) et(h) sem(h)per(h.) (,) et(h) in(h) sae(h)cu(h)la(h) sae(h)cu(h)lo(h)rum.(h) A(g)men.(h.) (;) Al(h)le(i)lu(hg~)ia.(g.) (::)
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RE(g)rum,(h') De(g)us,(h) te(i)nax(j') vi(h)gor,(i') (,)
Im(i)mó(i')tus(j) in(h) te(g) pér(h')ma(j)nens,(i!jwkJI.) (;)
Lu(h)cis(i') di(j)úr(k)næ(i) tém(j')po(j)ra(i') (,)
Suc(h)cés(i')si(j)bus(i) de(h)tér(i')mi(h)nans.(g.) (::)
2. Lar(g)gí(h')re(g) cla(h)rum(i) vés(j')pe(h)re,(i') (,)
Quo(i) vi(i')ta(j) num(h)quam(g) dé(h')ci(j)dat,(i!jwkJI.) (;)
Sed(h) prǽ(i')mi(j)um(k) mor(i)tis(j') sa(j)cræ(i') (,)
Per(h)én(i')nis(j) in(i)stet(h) gló(i')ri(h)a.(g.) (::)
3. Gló(g)ri(h')a(g) ti(h)bi(i) Dó(j')mi(h)ne,(i') (,)
Qui(i) sur(i')re(j)xís(h)ti() a(g) mór(h')tu(j)is,(i!jwkJI.) (;)
Cum(h) Pa(i')tre() et(j) Sanc(k)to(i) Spí(j')ri(j)tu,(i') (,)
In(h) sem(i')pi(j)tér(i)na(h) sǽ(i')cu(h)la.(g.) (::)
A(ghg)men.(fg..) (::)
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(f3) AL(h)le(hi)lú(ih)ia,(f!gw!hv_GE.) *(,) al(hj)le(j)lú(ij)ia,(hv_GF') al(g)le(ef)lú(f.)ia.(f.) (::)
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Be(e)á(f)ti(h) quo(h)rum(h) re(h)mís(h)sæ(h) sunt(h) in(h)i(h)qui(h)tá(i)tes:(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) quo(h)rum(h) tec(h)ta(h) sunt(h) pec(g)cá(e)ta.(f.) (::)
2. Be(h)á(h)tus(h) vir,(h) cu(h)i(h) non(h) im(h)pu(h)tá(h)vit(h) Dó(h)mi(h)nus(h) pec(h)cá(i)tum,(h.) \greheightstar (:) nec(h) est(h) in(h) spí(h)ri(h)tu(h) e(h)jus(g) do(e)lus.(f.) (::)
3. Quón(h)i(h)am(h) tá(h)cu(h)i,(h) in(h)ve(h)te(h)ra(h)vé(h)runt(h) os(h)sa(h) me(i)a,(h.) \greheightstar (:) dum(h) cla(h)má(h)rem(h) to(h)ta(g) di(e)e.(f.) (::)
4. Quón(h)i(h)am(h) di(h)e(h) ac(h) noc(h)te(h) gra(h)vá(h)ta(h) est(h) su(h)per(h) me(h) ma(h)nus(h) tu(i)a:(h.) \greheightstar (:) con(h)vér(h)sus(h) sum(h) in(h) æ(h)rúm(h)na(h) me(h)a,(h) dum(h) con(h)fí(h)gi(h)tur(g) spi(e)na.(f.) (::)
5. De(h)líc(h)tum(h) me(h)um(h) có(h)gni(h)tum(h) ti(h)bi(h) fe(i)ci:(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) in(h)jus(h)tí(h)ti(h)am(h) me(h)am(h) non(h) abs(g)cón(e)di.(f.) (::)
6. Di(h)xi:(h) Con(h)fi(h)té(h)bor(h) ad(h)vér(h)sum(h) me(h) in(h)jus(h)tí(h)ti(h)am(h) me(h)am(h) Dó(i)mi(h)no:(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) tu(h) re(h)mi(h)sís(h)ti(h) im(h)pi(h)e(h)tá(h)tem(h) pec(h)cá(h)ti(g) me(e)i.(f.) (::)
7. Pro(h) hac(h) o(h)rá(h)bit(h) ad(h) te(h) om(h)nis(h) sanc(i)tus,(h.) \greheightstar (:) in(h) tém(h)po(h)re(h) op(h)por(g)tú(e)no.(f.) (::)
8. Ve(h)rúm(h)ta(h)men(h) in(h) di(h)lú(h)vi(h)o(h) a(h)quá(h)rum(h) mul(h)tá(i)rum,(h.) \greheightstar (:) ad(h) e(h)um(h) non(h) ap(h)pro(h)xi(g)má(e)bunt.(f.) (::)
9. Tu(h) es(h) re(h)fú(h)gi(h)um(h) me(h)um(h) a(h) tri(h)bu(h)la(h)ti(h)ó(h)ne,(h) quæ(h) cir(h)cúm(h)de(h)dit(i) me:(h.) \greheightstar (:) ex(h)sul(h)tá(h)ti(h)o(h) me(h)a,(h) é(h)ru(h)e(h) me(h) a(h) cir(h)cum(h)dán(h)ti(g)bus(e) me.(f.) (::)
10. In(h)tel(h)léc(h)tum(h) ti(h)bi(h) da(h)bo,(h) et(h) ín(h)stru(h)am(h) te(h) in(h) vi(h)a(h) hac,(h) qua(h) gra(h)di(h)é(i)ris:(h.) \greheightstar (:) fir(h)má(h)bo(h) su(h)per(h) te(h) ó(h)cu(h)los(g) me(e)os.(f.) (::)
11. No(h)lí(h)te(h) fí(h)e(h)ri(h) sic(h)ut(h) e(h)quus(h) et(h) mu(i)lus,(h.) \greheightstar (:) qui(h)bus(h) non(h) est(h) in(h)tel(g)léc(e)tus.(f.) (::)
12. In(h) ca(h)mo(h) et(h) fre(h)no(h) ma(h)xíl(h)las(h) e(h)ó(h)rum(h) con(h)strín(i)ge:(h.) \greheightstar (:) qui(h) non(h) ap(h)pró(h)xi(h)mant(g) ad(e) te.(f.) (::)
13. Mul(h)ta(h) fla(h)gél(h)la(h) pec(h)ca(h)tó(i)ris,(h.) \greheightstar (:) spe(h)rán(h)tem(h) au(h)tem(h) in(h) Dó(h)mi(h)no(h) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)a(h) cir(g)cúm(e)da(f)bit.(f.) (::)
14. Læ(h)tá(h)mi(h)ni(h) in(h) Dó(h)mi(h)no(h) et(h) ex(h)sul(h)tá(h)te,(h) jus(i)ti,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) glo(h)ri(h)á(h)mi(h)ni,(h) om(h)nes(h) rec(h)ti(g) cor(e)de.(f.) (::)
15. Gló(h)ri(h)a(h) Pa(h)tri,(h) et(h) Fí(i)li(h)o,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) Spi(h)rí(h)tu(h)i(g) Sanc(e)to.(f.) (::)
16. Sic(h)ut(h) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)cí(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) nunc,(h) et(h) sem(i)per,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) in(h) sǽ(h)cu(h)la(h) sæ(h)cu(h)ló(h)rum.(g) A(e)men.(f.) (::)
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Ex(e)sul(f)tá(h)te,(h) jus(h)ti(h) in(h) Dó(i)mi(h)no:(h.) \greheightstar (:) rec(h)tos(h) de(h)cet(h) col(h)lau(g)dá(e)ti(f)o.(f.) (::)
2. Con(h)fi(h)té(h)mi(h)ni(h) Dó(h)mi(h)no(h) in(h) cí(i)tha(h)ra:(h.) \greheightstar (:) in(h) psal(h)té(h)ri(h)o(h) de(h)cem(h) chor(h)dá(h)rum(h) psál(h)li(h)te(g) il(e)li.(f.) (::)
3. Can(h)tá(h)te(h) e(h)i(h) cán(h)ti(h)cum(h) no(i)vum:(h.) \greheightstar (:) be(h)ne(h) psál(h)li(h)te(h) e(h)i(h) in(h) vo(h)ci(h)fe(h)ra(h)ti(g)ó(e)ne.(f.) (::)
4. Qui(h)a(h) rec(h)tum(h) est(h) ver(h)bum(h) Dó(i)mi(h)ni,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) óm(h)ni(h)a(h) ó(h)pe(h)ra(h) e(h)jus(h) in(g) fi(e)de.(f.) (::)
5. Dí(h)li(h)git(h) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)am(h) et(h) ju(h)dí(i)ci(h)um:(h.) \greheightstar (:) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)a(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ni(h) ple(h)na(h) est(g) ter(e)ra.(f.) (::)
6. Ver(h)bo(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ni(h) cæ(h)li(h) fir(h)má(i)ti(h) sunt:(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) spí(h)ri(h)tu(h) o(h)ris(h) e(h)jus(h) om(h)nis(h) vir(h)tus(h) e(g)ó(e)rum.(f.) (::)
7. Cón(h)gre(h)gans(h) sic(h)ut(h) in(h) u(h)tre(h) a(h)quas(h) ma(i)ris:(h.) \greheightstar (:) po(h)nens(h) in(h) the(h)sáu(h)ris(h) a(g)bys(e)sos.(f.) (::)
8. Tí(h)me(h)at(h) Dó(h)mi(h)num(h) om(h)nis(h) ter(i)ra:(h.) \greheightstar (:) ab(h) e(h)o(h) au(h)tem(h) com(h)mo(h)ve(h)án(h)tur(h) om(h)nes(h) in(h)ha(h)bi(h)tán(h)tes(g) or(e)bem.(f.) (::)
9. Quón(h)i(h)am(h) ip(h)se(h) di(h)xit,(h) et(h) fac(i)ta(h) sunt:(h.) \greheightstar (:) ip(h)se(h) man(h)dá(h)vit,(h) et(h) cre(g)á(e)ta(f) sunt.(f.) (::)
10. Dó(h)mi(h)nus(h) dís(h)si(h)pat(h) con(h)sí(h)li(h)a(h) Gén(h)ti(f)um: †(f.) ré(h)pro(h)bat(h) au(h)tem(h) co(h)gi(h)ta(h)ti(h)ó(h)nes(h) po(h)pu(h)ló(i)rum,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) ré(h)pro(h)bat(h) con(h)sí(h)li(h)a(g) prín(e)ci(f)pum.(f.) (::)
11. Con(h)sí(h)li(h)um(h) au(h)tem(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ni(h) in(h) æ(h)tér(h)num(h) ma(i)net:(h.) \greheightstar (:) co(h)gi(h)ta(h)ti(h)ó(h)nes(h) cor(h)dis(h) e(h)jus(h) in(h) ge(h)ne(h)ra(h)ti(h)ó(h)ne(h) et(h) ge(h)ne(h)ra(h)ti(g)ó(e)nem.(f.) (::)
12. Gló(h)ri(h)a(h) Pa(h)tri,(h) et(h) Fí(i)li(h)o,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) Spi(h)rí(h)tu(h)i(g) Sanc(e)to.(f.) (::)
13. Sic(h)ut(h) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)cí(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) nunc,(h) et(h) sem(i)per,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) in(h) sǽ(h)cu(h)la(h) sæ(h)cu(h)ló(h)rum.(g) A(e)men.(f.) (::)
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Be(e)á(f)ta(h) gens,(h) cu(h)jus(h) est(h) Dó(h)mi(h)nus,(h) De(h)us(h) e(i)jus:(h.) \greheightstar (:) pó(h)pu(h)lus,(h) quem(h) e(h)lé(h)git(h) in(h) he(h)re(h)di(h)tá(h)tem(g) si(e)bi.(f.) (::)
2. De(h) cæ(h)lo(h) re(h)spé(h)xit(h) Dó(i)mi(h)nus:(h.) \greheightstar (:) vi(h)dit(h) om(h)nes(h) fí(h)li(h)os(g) hó(e)mi(f)num.(f.) (::)
3. De(h) præ(h)pa(h)rá(h)to(h) ha(h)bi(h)tá(h)cu(h)lo(h) su(i)o(h.) \greheightstar (:) re(h)spé(h)xit(h) su(h)per(h) om(h)nes,(h) qui(h) há(h)bi(h)tant(g) ter(e)ram.(f.) (::)
4. Qui(h) fin(h)xit(h) si(h)gil(h)lá(h)tim(h) cor(h)da(h) e(h)ó(i)rum:(h.) \greheightstar (:) qui(h) in(h)tél(h)li(h)git(h) óm(h)ni(h)a(h) ó(h)pe(h)ra(h) e(g)ó(e)rum.(f.) (::)
5. Non(h) sal(h)vá(h)tur(h) rex(h) per(h) mul(h)tam(h) vir(h)tú(i)tem:(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) gi(h)gas(h) non(h) sal(h)vá(h)bi(h)tur(h) in(h) mul(h)ti(h)tú(h)di(h)ne(h) vir(h)tú(h)tis(g) su(e)æ.(f.) (::)
6. Fal(h)lax(h) e(h)quus(h) ad(h) sa(h)lú(i)tem:(h.) \greheightstar (:) in(h) ab(h)un(h)dán(h)ti(h)a(h) au(h)tem(h) vir(h)tú(h)tis(h) su(h)æ(h) non(h) sal(g)vá(e)bi(f)tur.(f.) (::)
7. Ec(h)ce(h) ó(h)cu(h)li(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ni(h) su(h)per(h) me(h)tu(h)én(h)tes(h) e(i)um:(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) in(h) e(h)is,(h) qui(h) spe(h)rant(h) su(h)per(h) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)a(g) e(e)jus:(f.) (::)
8. Ut(h) é(h)ru(h)at(h) a(h) mor(h)te(h) á(h)ni(h)mas(h) e(h)ó(i)rum:(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) a(h)lat(h) e(h)os(h) in(g) fa(e)me.(f.) (::)
9. A(h)ni(h)ma(h) nos(h)tra(h) sús(h)ti(h)net(h) Dó(i)mi(h)num:(h.) \greheightstar (:) quón(h)i(h)am(h) ad(h)jú(h)tor(h) et(h) pro(h)téc(h)tor(g) nos(e)ter(f) est.(f.) (::)
10. Qui(h)a(h) in(h) e(h)o(h) læ(h)tá(h)bi(h)tur(h) cor(h) nos(i)trum:(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) in(h) nó(h)mi(h)ne(h) sanc(h)to(h) e(h)jus(h) spe(g)rá(e)vi(f)mus.(f.) (::)
11. Fi(h)at(h) mi(h)se(h)ri(h)cór(h)di(h)a(h) tu(h)a,(h) Dó(h)mi(h)ne,(h) su(i)per(h) nos:(h.) \greheightstar (:) quem(h)ád(h)mo(h)dum(h) spe(h)rá(h)vi(h)mus(g) in(e) te.(f.) (::)
12. Gló(h)ri(h)a(h) Pa(h)tri,(h) et(h) Fí(i)li(h)o,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) Spi(h)rí(h)tu(h)i(g) Sanc(e)to.(f.) (::)
13. Sic(h)ut(h) e(h)rat(h) in(h) prin(h)cí(h)pi(h)o,(h) et(h) nunc,(h) et(h) sem(i)per,(h.) \greheightstar (:) et(h) in(h) sǽ(h)cu(h)la(h) sæ(h)cu(h)ló(h)rum.(g) A(e)men.(f.) (::)
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(f3) AL(h)le(hi)lú(ih)ia,(f!gw!hv_GE.) *(,) al(hj)le(j)lú(ij)ia,(hv_GF') al(g)le(ef)lú(f.)ia.(f.) (::)
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Iu(h)stum(h) de(h)dú(h)xit(h) Dó(h)mi(h)nus(h) per(h) vi(h)as(h) re(h)ctas,(h) et(h) o(h)stén(h)dit(h) il(h)li(h) re(h)gnum(h) De(h)i,(h) et(h) de(h)dit(h) il(h)li(h) sci(h)én(h)ti(h)am(g) san(f)ctó(h)rum:(h.) (;) ho(h)ne(h)stá(h)vit(h) il(h)lum(h) in(h) la(h)bó(h)ri(h)bus,(h) et(h) com(h)plé(h)vit(h) la(h)bó(h)res(h) il(h)lí(f)us.(ef..) (:)
name: ;
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LEX(f) Dé(f)i(f) é(g)jus(f'_) (,) in(f) cór(f)de(f) í(e')psi(g)us:(h.) *(;) Al(h)le(h_g)lú(g)ia,(f'_) al(d)le(f_g)lú(gf~)ia.(f.) (::)
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O(h)ré(h)mus(f) †(,) De(h)us,(h) qui(h) ad(h) tu(h)én(h)dam(h) ca(h)thó(h)li(h)cam(h) fi(h)dem(h) be(h)á(h)tum(h) Pe(h)trum(h) Con(h)fes(h)só(h)rem(h) tu(h)um(h) vir(h)tú(h)te(h) et(h) do(h)ctrí(h)na(h) ro(h)bo(h)rá(h)sti:(f) †(,) con(h)cé(h)de(g) pro(f)pí(h)ti(h)us;(h.) (;) ut(h) e(h)ius(h) e(h)xém(h)plis(h) et(h) mó(h)ni(h)tis(h) er(h)rán(h)tes(h) ad(h) sa(h)lú(h)tem(h) re(h)si(h)pí(h)scant,(h) et(h) fi(h)dé(h)les(h) in(h) ve(h)ri(h)tá(h)tis(h) con(h)fes(h)si(h)ó(h)ne(h) per(h)se(h)vé(h)rent.(f.) (:) Per(h) Dó(h)mi(h)num(h) no(h)strum(h) Ie(h)sum(h) Chri(h)stum,(h) Fí(h)li(g)um(f) tu(h)um:(h.) (;) qui(h) te(h)cum(h) vi(h)vit(h) et(h) re(h)gnat(h) in(h) u(h)ni(h)tá(h)te(h) Spí(h)ri(h)tus(h) San(h)cti,(h) De(h)us,(h) per(h) óm(h)ni(h)a(h) sǽ(h)cu(h)la(h) sæ(h)cu(h)ló(h)rum.(f.) (:)
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user-notes: Et ita absolvitur Sexta ;
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user-notes: (Privately: Pater Noster, Ave Maria, Credo) ;
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