You can't become a pastor without calling God to witness your uttering these words. Observe the law. All the laws. You specify, in the same breath, "especially those contained in the Code of Canon Law."
If you don't know the law you're libel to break your oath and not know it. That would be dumb. The only thing dumber would be to break your oath and know it full well. That would be not just dumb, but willful.
Still, you got to know the law.
That's the premise.
Does the law have anything to say regarding priests celebrating mass multiple times in a day? Sure does. Is the law clear? Sure is. What's it say?
It's "not permitted." That simple? Just about.
Still, the law does make the following exceptions for when a priest can celebrate mass more than once a day:
1) When the law itself permits it (i.e. Christmas, Holy Souls, Holy Thursday);
2) With both the permission of the Ordinary and the shortage of priests, then twice-a-day or even on a Holy Day, thrice but only when there is (I) a just cause or (II) pastoral necessity.
No where is there the express provision for a fourth (or more) celebration.